This is a delicious take on salmon burger, especially if you have a big salmon fillet and want to use up thinner parts.
You see two different versions below, left with mushrooms (+ homemade buns), right without. There is no recipe in the video, so I prepared two variations for you. Both are fantastic.
Serve in buns or on top of rocket/lettuce. Originally served with Tibetan bread and a simple rucola salad.
Variation 1 - Ingredients as per Pépin: - 300-330g of salmon fillet, cut in cubes - 2 pieces of bread (70g), cubed - 2 large mushrooms, diced - 2 spring onions, chopped - salt (1-1.5% of whole mass) and pepper - oil for cooking
Variation 2 - Inspired by Pépin: - 350g salmon fillet, cubed - 90g mushrooms, diced - 40g spring onions, chopped - 45g of bread (no crust) - zest of 1 lemon - 1 tsp chilli flakes - salt as above and pepper
Method: 1. Put all the ingredients in a food processor. 2. Pulse (!), do not let it run. If you just let it run your burgers will turn mushy. 3. Pulse a couple of times, so it gets mixed well (check the video as well). 4. Form four burgers. 5. Mid-high heat in your pan. Oil in. Roughly 3-4 min on first side. 6. Turn, and cook for 2 more min*. 7. Serve. (*in the video he turns it and then turns the heat off after 10 sec, I went for 49-50 °C)

Jacques Pépin