Prežganka: a traditional Slovenian soup recipe

Prežganka, a roux* based soup, is more modest than the roman egg drop soup but equally delicious. You can easily double, triple or quadruple the ingredients.

For the first traditional Slovenian recipe on lindy, I tested three: one from a famous Slovenian blog and two from traditional cookbooks (Kuhajmo po domače, 1990 and Slovenska kuharica, 1982). I liked the version from Kristina Merc-Matjašič (Kuhajmo po domače) the most and then tried different ways of improving it (eg. adding acid, toasted caraway seeds, stock/no stock, garlic/no garlic).

An excellent and easy soup to make.

(*prežganje; slovenski recept spodaj)

Ingredients for 0.5l 
(2 person starter)

- 0.5l of water
- 0.5 tsp caraway seeds
- 0.75 - 1 tsp salt

- 20g of butter
- 1 tbsp of flour

- 1 beaten egg

Recommended improvements:
- 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
- 1 crushed garlic clove

- a bit of chopped parsley
- freshly ground pepper

1. Add the caraway seeds and salt to the water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat.
2. In separate pot melt the butter on low-medium heat and add flour. Whisk while cooking for roughly 2 min until your roux is light brown. If using garlic, add it to the roux after a minute. Make sure you whisk well all the time. 
3. Remove from heat after roughly 2 min or until your roux is light brown. If you are using a pot with a thick bottom, residual heat will continue to cook the roux, so take this into account.
4. After your roux has cooled down a bit, add boiled water with caraway seeds. Make sure to scrap the bottom of the pot well.
5. Bring to a gentle simmer and cook covered for 15 min. In the meantime beat the egg.
6. After 15 min, add the egg in thin stream while stirring the soup.
7. If using, add Worcestershire sauce and a bit of chopped parsley. Serve.
Prežganka, traditional Slovenian soup
Prežganka, traditional Slovenian soup
Sestavine  (kot predjed za dva, 0.5l)

- 0.5l vode
- 0.5 žličke semen kumine
- 0.75 - 1 žlička soli

- 20g masla
- 1 žlica moke (približno 16g)

- 1 razžvrkljano jajce

Priročene izboljšave:
- 1 žlička Worcestershire omake
- 1 stisnjen strok česna 

Po želji:
- malo sesekljanega peteršilja
- sveže mlet poper

1. V vodo dodaj semena kumine, sol in zavri. Ko zavre, odstavi.
2. Medtem v posodi počasi segrej maslo. Ko se stopi, dodaj moko. Med kuhanjem mešaj, približno 2 minuti da se prežganje rahlo temno rjavo obarva. Če uporabljaš česen, ga dodaj po približno minuti. Med kuhanjem mešaj.
3. Odstavi ko je prežganje rahlo rjavo. Če ima posoda debelo dno se bo prežganje še naprej kuhalo, zato pazljivo.
4. Ko se prežganje malo ohladi, dodaj kuhano vodo. Dobro premešaj.
5. Počasi zavri, zmanjšaj in pokrito kuhaj 15 min.
6. Po 15 min kuhanja odstavi in postopoma vlij razžrvkljano jajce v juho. Med vlivanjem mešaj, najbolje z vilico.
7. Če uporabljaš, vmešaj omako Worchestershire in sesekljan peteršilj. Postreži.