Easy chicken stir-fry for a quick dinner

This is one of the dishes you can do after a long day at work, because it is fast. You can either butterfly the chicken breast or simply julienne them, both approaches will work.

It’s a pretty basic recipe from the ingredients side; meat is also not really marinated. Finish off by adjusting the seasoning with soy sauce.

No link to the recipe (have a look at the video). Take 1/3 of noodles, 1/3 chicken or other protein/tofu and 1/3 broccoli + thinly sliced garlic and soy sauce. For other easy stuff check 13 dishes for beginners.


- neutral oil
- 200g wide rice noodles (the wider the better)
- 250g chicken breast fillet, cut thinly across the grain
- 2 garlic cloves
- 2tbsp soy sauce, to taste
- 200g broccoli, cut into florets (if you can get tenderstem broccoli even better!)
- 2 eggs, beaten
- wedges of lime to sere
Notes to the recipe - improvement potentials

- add fish sauce to the eggs
- add chopped chillies or/and chopped ginger and fry together with garlic for more kick
- if using regular broccoli, just thin out the florets a bit more
- add a bit more soy sauce at the end to season the noodles more
Stir fry chicken
A bit too thin noodles, but that is what I had.
Gordon Ramsay, Ultimate Cookery Course, p. 149