This was my first lasagna after cooking for several years, shockingly late. If someone tells you “in Italy we have less layers,” reply with “ok”. You will need a great ragù for this. Soak no-cook sheets for 15-20 minutes, even if it doesn’t say so on the packet instructions. Spread yo meat thiiiiinly.
I was thinking it was too dry, probably because I am not used to a dry ragù (and restaurants do not really bother with cooking it long enough)?
I did beat a nice Italian restaurant with mine, so go for it! If saucier lasagnas are your thing, skip.
Notes to the recipe 17x23 cm baking dish: app. 700g of ragù for 6 layers (14 sheets), app. 550g for 4 layers
Link to the recipe and some more reading for the most interested

Serious Eats, Daniel Gritzer